Sunday, April 19, 2009

5k and Bike Tour and Easter

Hope everyone's Easter was fantastic. I'm finally not finding that blasted plastic green Easter grass from the kids' baskets anymore! What sadist invented that stuff anyway? It drives me crazy! It's everywhere! Three guesses as to what my kids are really like between these two pictures!

Yesterday was my 2nd annual 5k at the Salt Lake City marathon. It's a fun run through downtown, with lots of people to cheer you on. I thought I beat last year's time by a full minute, but after looking up last year's stats, realized I was only 6 seconds faster. Dang! I'll blame it on the new route with the up-hill stint that gave me a side ache! Scott did the bike tour, but started at our house--in the dark, at 5:25 a.m.--then met up with them at the University start line. I'd rather run than bike 31 miles, for sure. Of course, he'd disagree! It makes me want to train for a 10k. I know, you hard core runners think that's easy, but considering I couldn't run a few house lengths two years ago, I'll shoot for that! This picture was taken at the finish line. It was fun to have him meet me there this year.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Jim has elected to leave his job at C&B Plumbing. We weren't expecting this move right now but it has pushed us to really get moving on Jim's dream of having his own company. Bradley Plumbing is almost up and running; we have just a few legal things to take care of. Jim has his first job next week. We're feeling good about this decision, scared, but good.

Happy Easter to everyone tomorrow! He is Risen! Easter is my favorite day of the year!

Jim and I alternate each year who's church to go to on Easter and this year we will attend the early service at his church then head to my parent's house for breakfast then his Mom's house for dinner.
Jenn congratulations on the "new arrivals". Happy Easter to everyone and hope the travelers are safe and enjoy their visit and return home! Things here have returned to "normal" if that could ever be said of my house. Sam (John's dog) has been returned to her owner and as of today are taking the alaskan highway(ferry boat) from Washington to Alaska, Julie and connor (keith had to stay home) should be returning from visiting dad and judy in AZ, and then julie will be going in for a hip replacement on wed. tom bev and kids doing well, allen just got back from france and as far as i know bob and donna are good too! that's all I know!
enjoy the holiday and the nice weather, glad to see the boys went golfing I hoped that someone, besides my muddy dogs, made the most of it. Pat's beard I like it but Aunt dorothy says SHAVE so that is my vote too!

Friday, April 10, 2009

New addition to our family...

So a couple of birds built a nest in the wreath on our door last weekend while we were gone and a couple of days ago laid eggs in it. I put a big sign on the pillar on our porch asking visitors to honk or call us instead of knocking on our door. Part of me is excited to watch the process, but another is a little angst I can't use my front door. Besides, I love this wreath, but may not be able to put it up again next year if it means being so paranoid something is going to happen to baby birds on my porch!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Happy Easter from Mom, Grandma

Happy Easter--

Hope the Easter Bunny is good to you all this year.

Love you all 
Grandma/Mom/Aunt Dot

Miracles in Pittsburgh

The Miracle Golf Day

Pat and Doug tied with George (where is he?) in the lead by ten strokes. Or is George already at the Nineteenth Hole? Okay, so Doug won again. Big surprise. I tried, honey.

For one day the skies of Pittsburgh cleared and the sun shone on us all. For those of you who have been living here the past month, you know this is a true miracle (today is 24 cloudy degrees). Now who was the miracle worker? None other than brother Doug, the golf guru who can cause any course to shine. Grateful were George and Pat who enjoyed the course with him for an afternoon, as he took a quick break from visiting Mom for nearly a week. Coming on the heels of Steve and his beautiful Keri and Jeni, we do feel particularly blessed in this part of the country. And this week, handsome Mike and his lovely partner Jane preceed the Easter queen Jane Cantu's visit by only a few days. The party never ends.

I am off to color Easter Eggs with Mom. So get those baskets out and buy that candy. George and I are taking the famous Toohey Easter bread made by his mom and sisters (he joined them this year) out to Denver to spend a quick holiday with Nate,Ryan, and Shannon. Easter hugs around.

Pat has a new job. I knew those trips to Italy would pay off.

Oh, here's George. See the miracle day? We almost thought we were in San Diego.

Love to cook with my bro. Maybe we can get a job with Pat.

The manly men.
Send your votes for Pat B. to keep the beard or not. (Mom will pay you to vote No.)

Millie and Kate. I love it! Look how their outfits match.

Grandma looking good.

Look, they all have the same smile! Smiles to you all!