Friday, March 27, 2009

Pinewood Derby

Jackson raced his car in his scout troop's pinewood derby tonight. Of course, he made a University of Utah car. He came in second in two of the races and had a great time!


  1. Way to go Jackson! I could never get the wheels in line enough to make it down the track

  2. That's the one thing Scott and Jackson decided they would spend more time on next round. Throwing them on 15 minutes before the thing started probably wasn't the best idea.

  3. nice job! i've never been able to get anything to go straight or fast!

  4. Great job Jackson! When Michael was a Boy Scout one boy won every year. His dad was an engineer and they tested it for aerodynamics in a wind tunnel!

  5. Sounds like you are doing well. Keep it up, Jackson!

  6. Jackson,

    Wow! Nate did the pine wood derby, and he always came in last. George just didn't believe that the kids should be the only ones constructing the car. Maybe George was right--Nate has ended up as a geotechnical engineer. But I bet you would still beat him!

    Keep on truckin'
